Information about Real Sun Time

Sun Time, Sun Clock, Local Time, My True Solar Time, Latitude, Longitude, Time Left For Sunset, Time Left For Sunrise, Day Length, Night Length, Real Time Sundial, Online Sundial

To obtain accurate Solar Time calculations using this Sundial, please ensure that your browser and mobile phone's Global Positioning System (GPS) location service are enabled, and JavaScript is enabled as well.

Local Time, My True Solar Time, Latitude, Longitude, Time Left For Sunset, Time Left For Sunrise, Day Length, Night Length, Real Time Sundial, Online Sundial, sunset near me

How to use Real Sun Time site on a mobile device! YouTube video.

It is uncommon for actual Solar Time to align with the local time zone time. While local time shows 12:00 on the clock, it is Noon within the time zone. The true Solar Time is determined based on the positioning system with Your location.

The idea for creating the Real Sun Time website came to me when I traveled to a different time zone. I realized that my mobile phone's time automatically adjusted to the local time, but I became curious about obtaining information on the actual Sun time. This interest was piqued by observing the already slanted shadow cast by the Sun when the clock showed 12:00 local time.

I extensively searched the internet using various keywords to find the correct Solar Time. Although weather websites provided abundant information about Sunrise and Sunset times, they did not offer what I was looking for. I also came across a few mobile applications, but none of them provided the Real Sun Time.

I desired to know the true Sun Time in order to plan outdoor activities effectively, taking into account the remaining daylight until the next Sunset. Additionally, when traveling and arriving at a destination late in the evening, I wanted to ascertain the amount of time available before Sunrise.

The rising and setting points of the Sun change daily throughout the year across the Globe. The specific variations depend on one's location within their own time zone, ranging from north to south and east to west.

Calculating the real-time Solar Time involves considering several factors, including Clock Time, Sun position, and your own position.

It's important to note that a day's rotation on Earth is not precisely 24 hours but rather 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09053 seconds, referred to as Sidereal time. The Earth's rotation speed at the Equator is approximately 465.10 meters per second or roughly 1675 km per hour. For comparison, an airplane typically flies at around 900 km per hour.

This is where the True Solar Time website comes in. It functions as a Sundial, available in both mobile and desktop versions. However, it goes beyond just telling time based on the Sun; it also provides information about the True Solar Time, even in the absence of direct sunlight.

I hope you find the True Sun Time website highly useful for planning your upcoming activities before Sunset or organizing your program for tomorrow's Sunrise.

Join the Real Sun Time the Facebook group to connect with others and share your own experiences of observing the Sun.

For more information, visit the Real Sun Time for Facebook website where you can find a wealth of general information.

🌦️ My Local Weather site

🌞 The Sun: A Timeless Wonder

🌝 The Moon: A Mystical Companion

My Time: in a Changing World

🌐 GPS: Navigation History to New Horizons

📍 True Solar Time

🌎 Solar Time Sun Clock: Anywhere in the World

📍 Sun Position

🏖️ Sun and your Health

📖 The position of the Sun: A Guide to Solar Time

📍 Moon Position

🚀 Revealing the Phases of the Moon: A Journey to the Moon

📖 Moon Position: A Guide to Understanding its Significance

🏠 Homepage: Real Sun and Moon Time

✍️ Language Translations

💰 Sponsors and Donations

🥰 Real Sun Time User Experience

🌇 Catch The Sun

🌞 Let The Sunshine 🌞

Try the Sundial in Real Time
Sun Time, Sun Clock, Local Time, My True Solar Time, Latitude, Longitude, Time Left For Sunset, Time Left For Sunrise, Day Length, Night Length, Real Time Sundial, Online Sundial

Sun Time, Sun Clock, Local Time, My True Solar Time, Latitude, Longitude, Time Left For Sunset, Time Left For Sunrise, Day Length, Night Length, Real Time Sundial, Online Sundial

More than an hour difference between Local Time and True Solar Time because daylight saving time.