🌍 Global Language Translations

We're currently working on this global Real Sun Time site to make it accessible to everyone, as the Sun is a universal phenomenon. Let the Sun shine!

🌐 Translations

We have already translated the following pages into 132 different languages: True Solar Time, Sun Position and Moon Position.

📚 Translation needs

We need translation help to translate all the languages ​​in the ISO 639-1 list. The list of texts to be translated includes, for example:

List of translating texts:

Local Time
My True Solar Time
Next Sunset
Next Sunrise
Day Length
Night Length
Azimuth Angle
Next Midnight
Next Noon
Distance to Moon
Next New Moon
Next Half Moon
Next Full Moon
Sun Position
Moon Position
Next Prayer Time
Next Dawn Prayer
Next Noon Prayer
Next Afternoon Prayer
Next Evening Prayer
Next Nights prayer
Use the Global Positioning System to get accurate location information to help you find your true Solar time. This site offers a real-time Sun clock available in mobile and desktop versions. It also shows the true Solar time from sunset to night time.

Allow the use of the Global Positioning System to obtain positions on the Moon. To determine the exact position of the moon, we need to take into account several factors, such as your time and geographic location on Earth.

Allow the use of the Global Positioning System to obtain positions on the Sun. To determine the exact position of the sun, we need to take into account several factors, such as your time and geographic location on Earth.

📍 Using GPS

Global Positioning System (GPS) is an integral part of our service:

🤝 Take part in the translation work

If you are interested in helping with the translation work:

⚠️ Important notes

Limitations of translation machines

Automatic translation machines may encounter challenges when translating certain specialized terms. For example, the following terms can cause problems:

In these cases, the translation engine may display an error message (e.g. "NANANANA"). This is why the help of human translators is very valuable.

The importance of location data

The operation of the sundial requires the sharing of location data:

Language options

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