Real Sun Time User Experience

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Sun Time, Sun Clock, Local Time, My True Solar Time, Latitude, Longitude, Time Left For Sunset, Time Left For Sunrise, Day Length, Night Length, Real Time Sundial, Online Sundial

Real Sun Time User Experience

We are collecting globally user experiences for this True Solar Time, Sun Position and Moon Position sites.
How and where they have used this Real Sun Time -website, and how useful the page was
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Local Time, My True Solar Time, Latitude, Longitude, Time Left For Sunset, Time Left For Sunrise, Day Length, Night Length, Real Time Sundial, Online Sundial, sunset near me

Paula from Finland: Erityisesti parasta mielestäni se, kun työpäivän jälkeen voin tarkistaa vieläkö paljon aurinkoaikaa.
Toinen mukava juttu, kun yöllä herää voin tarkistaa ehdinkö nauttia auringon laskun tai nousun. Hieno asia

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